All Tuckered Out From Swimming | FLORIDA PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


Otis stayed with my parents last weekend and had many adventures while he was there. My parents have a pool and with his being blind, it made me nervous he was going to fall in. He doesn't float well and just sinks like a stone. So, to alleviate my fears, my parents went out and bought Otis his very own yellow swim vest. Apparently the first one was too tiny and they had to go back for another. This one doesn't zip up all the way because Otis doesn't really have a neck (it's all one straight line from his head to his shoulders), so as my cousin pointed out on Facebook, his yellowness and semi-zipped look makes him appear like a banana.

A swimming, floating banana - that barks.

He loved being able to swim and the vest helped keep him cool. What's awesome is when he's done and doesn't feel like swimming anymore, he just barks to notify anyone in the pool he's done. After that, just grab his handles and up and out he goes! Easy peezie.

Swimming is a lot more activity than he usually gets, so he was completely ZONKED when I came to pick him up and for the rest of the night. Whattabum.

Which is the better photo? Color or Black and White? | Disney PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


I need your opinions! Which do you like better? The color photo or the black and white photo? And why (if you don't mind)? Go with your instinct. Both have their positives but I want to choose the one with the biggest impact.

This was taken at Walt Disney World's Epcot in the World Showcase - Morocco.

Let's Take a Stroll Around Harvard University | Boston PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


When we were in Boston, we didn't have a lot of time to sightsee but my husband and I both knew that Harvard University was definitely somewhere we couldn't miss during our visit. When we arrived at the school, it was surreal to be standing in a spot you have heard about your whole life/seen on TV & movies & watch it as a functioning university. The people strolling around wearing Harvard shirts/bags really were students there & not the wandering tourists (like myself). The school gets so much foot traffic though that they had to rope off all of the grassy areas. Otherwise, the herds of gawkers would trample their beautiful lawns into a mess.

The red of the brick and green of the grass were wonderful, but while editing I just thought "Let's try this in black and white" and it was game over. The lines in the brick just popped and I knew the rest of the pictures had to be in black and white, which is a rarity for me (the obsessed with BRIGHT & COLORFUL gal).

It was a quick walkaround but it was still incredible visually.

Did I mention the amount of brick? I tell ya - brick EVERYWHERE!

It Is Springtime in......November? | DISNEY PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


This is the perfect reason why I love living in Florida (yeah, yeah, I can hear the northerners groaning now). It's April, so a lot of people have SPRING on the brain and therefore it's talk of blooming flowers, beautiful weather, etc.

So, I thought this picture would be wonderfully was taken in November. Yup. Winter in Florida looks like this.

I hope I'm not rubbing it in too much.

BTW - This was taken at Walt Disney World in Epcot (The American Adventure Pavilion) during their Food & Wine Festival. It's an awesome event but it can get very crowded and very hot. We were lucky that the weather gods were kind and made it a fairly cool day, so it helped in enduring the crowds. I was a little disappointed this year with their food selection because they greatly decreased their vegetarian options.

So, I suffered in silence and filled my pie hole with more alcohol. That's the saint that I am. Sacrificing left and right, I tell ya.