
Beautimous Florida Sunset On The Beach |Beach Photography by Rachel Abrahams

I live on the East Coast of Florida which means we have sunRISES over the beach - not sunsets. In other words, to see the beautiful light on the water I need to get up early and, well, that's really hard for me. I always promise myself I will get up really early on the weekend (cough), especially since I am up that early anyways during the week (cough cough), and go down to the beach for some sunrise photos (cough cough cough). I'm sorry - I keep coughing at my own good intentions (that I keep sleeping through). When I was invited to visit the West Coast of Florida, which meant I would finally see the sun set OVER the ocean, I was a happy little camper.

I do admit almost every time I visit the beach and see the sun setting, I think of my friend Justin who visited us "east coasters" when I was in college. We all went to the beach and to maximize our sun bathing time, we turned our towels toward the sun (away from the water) and Justin just laughed at us. He wanted to know why we would waste a perfectly good beach visit by not facing the actual ocean. Then he plopped down his chair into the sand, facing the water, and continued to make fun of and cracked up at us. I had to remind him our sun doesn't set over the ocean. When he pointed out he's from the west coast of Florida and they get the joy every day of seeing the sun set over the Gulf of Mexico, I was quite green with the jelly monster.

Ever since having that conversation, I craved seeing the sun set over the ocean and wasn't going to miss my photographic chance when I finally got to see it.

Getting back to my west coast visit; A storm passed through prior and its remnants hung around during sunset. The colors were intense and began as pastels, deepening into amazing blues, and then ending the light show in purples. Each time I'd think I saw the best the sunset had to offer it would shift into a new color level. I stayed down on the beach for close to an hour - which did result in getting eaten alive by the sand fleas. I didn't care and called the bites my badge of honor.

Looking at these photos, it was definitely worth it.

Sea Oats at Sunset Part II | Florida PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


Is it cheating if I post two "Sea Oats At Sunset" photos back to back? I just couldn't resist sharing this photo though! I didn't want to wait and, being as impatient as I am known to be, I am going ahead. I had to grab the sea oats and "pose" them into the shot so I could show the maximum amount of sunset color in between the rain clouds and the beach at a nice angle. I swear I wasn't trampling all over the dune - so no one point any fingers at me! I was being a savvy and aware beach goer. Scouts honor.

Sea Oat at Sunset | FLORIDA PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


Confession: I've been super terribly horribly bad about posting on my blog lately.

I just can't get a schedule going that keeps everything consistent but I am definitely working on it. In the meanwhile, to appease the masses I wanted to share this picture I took while in Venice Beach, Florida two weekends ago. It was my first time being on a Florida beach and getting to watch the sun set over the ocean. I live on the East Coast, which means getting up at O-Dark-30 to get a Sunrise view. There will be more of these pictures soon, I promise! It was pointed out to me recently that for living on the beach, I definitely don't have enough beach pictures. Challenge Accepted!

When you go to the beach, when is your favorite time to visit? Morning? Bright & sunny daytime? Storms? Evening? I personally prefer the later in the day into sunset portion since I burn so easily. I also know the cardinal rule - don't swim in the ocean around sunset. That's feeding time (YIKES!).

Hollywood Beach - AM/PM | FLORIDA PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams

I wanted to share my day and night images of Hollywood Beach, Florida. I tried for a sunrise shot as well but the hotel room was so cold it not only fogged my lens for almost 10 minutes but my internal sensor went haywire. I took some shots but later, upon inspection on my computer (and it not being 6AM with me delirious), they were just too hazy to be any good.

On the left is the inter coastal waterway and on the right is the Atlantic Ocean.
